Sponsorship Package Details

Click here for all 2024GRC Sponsorship levels and benefits!

Ready to sponsor? You’re awesome!

Go to our EventBrite page and click the red “Get tickets” button on the right. Select your sponsorship level and add one ticket to your cart and click “Check out”.

If you prefer to make your contribution by check or other payment method, please email us at grassrootsradio2024@gmail.com.

Broadcaster’s Beacon


Conference sponsor - premiere logo placement, 12 conference passes, and much more!

Signal Booster


Keynote sponsor - prominent logo placement, 10 conference passes and 2 table exhibit space and more!

Wave Rider


Session sponsor - logo in program, 1 exhibit table, 8 conference passes and more!

Friends of GRC


2 conference passes, recognition and acknowledgment and more!

Community Connector


Logo on conference website, 6 conference passes, and more!

Local Voice


4 conference passes, recognition and acknowledgment and more!